
Cadet Exam Success

Cadets from 22 (Sandy) Squadron recently undertook weeks of training and assessments as part of their First Class training.

Congratulations go to Cadets Ben Kilby (13), William Phoenix (14) and Sarah Peel (15) on passing their First Class cadet training, under the supervision of squadron training officer, Civilian Instructor Lucy Anderson.

The training involve subjects such as rope work, aircraft recognition, the Royal Air Force, the Air Training Corp, Drill, map reading and the history of flight, ending with a number of practical and written assessments in order to pass their training.

Congratulations also for Cadet Haydn Rout (15) for passing his Leading Cadet examinations. These results bring the cadets closer to obtaining their BTEC Certificate in Aviation Studies, equivalent to two GCSEs grade A-C.

22 (Sandy) Squadron Air Cadets